Tuesday, July 19, 2011


What a cutie pie, so in love with her!!!

'Twas the week before Christmas

Our friends Ethan, Sherrie, and their kids, Isabella and Ira came over and dropped off this beautiful orange flavored cake as a Christmas present. We didn't get any pictures of them, this was later before we cut into it. 

Our friends Ben, Kim and their son Jayson came over to visit 

Zada loves miss Kim 

Jayson loves cats, he calls them 'YOW!" 

Cute tag! Our present : ) 


Zada's new outfit from miss Kim 

 Our cupcake

At Chili's with Kim and Ben

Friends since 2002 : )

BBQ took the picture

For our 2010 Christmas card, our BBQ took the picture. Not the best but what can I say? I was a tired mommy!
Before the "photo shoot" 

Test shot ; ) 

I think this is the one we chose 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby's first week home

Our first two weeks home with Baby. They were tiring, yet I am remembering it fondly now.

super tan jaundice
Z's first day home, with Grandma June
Little angel
Keeping warm in the winter
Baby's first sink bath at home
Her shirt said "grandma's little star"

                                                     Nestled in her swing

                                             Playing with dad

                                           Mom enjoying the snuggles

Tiny feet

Friday, July 15, 2011

Here she comes!

Decided to try to write a blog for family and friends, so I thought I would start from the beginning (or baby Zada's beginning at least) Here are some photos from her birth and our first few days as parents.

 Our first look, so glad she's here!

 It's hard to smile after going through a tough labor, but possible!

With the Dr. and my long awaited Sprite

Our Family

 Grandma June

Daddy looking so happy to hold his little girl     

Grandpa Scott

Joe was in awe of her : )